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Smart class is a digital technology. which is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools with innovative and meaningful use of technology. Powered by the world's largest repository of digital content mapped to Indian School Curriculum. Smart class brings in technology right next to the blackboard for teachers in the classrooms. Students learn difficult and abstract curriculum concepts watching highly engaging visuals and animations. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performance in school. Smart class also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class with an innovative assessment technology- smart assessment system.

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The school has a network of outstanding laboratories exclusively maintained for the needs of junior and senior students of our school. The separate labs for Science and Math are well equipped with up to date equipments available in the respective domain areas. These Laboratories cater to the requirements of all our students enriching their knowledgeand ever increasing hunger for quest.

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of TOSE curriculum. In this age of Computer Technology. an early exposure to the basics of computer readies the child for the future and also helps the child to overcome any inhibitions they might have towards computer usage. The school has a policy of one computer per child and the school computer lab is adequately equipped for the same internet connectivity is provided to the students. teachers and staff in the adjacent Internet lab. Teachers assist children in seeking out information. creating multimedia content. collaborating on project work and presenting the knowledge gathered from multiple sources.

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We have a good school library with more than 2000 books. The Reference Section has a variety of standard encyclopedias. dictionaries and reference books. The library is fully computerized with bar code enabled. The library has a Photocopier. The students can take copies of any relevant article from the reference section of the library. There is an internet connection available for the library. The students are allowed to use the internet facility during the school hours.

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For physical fitness, the students are provided sports playgrounds related to different events as like 200 mtr. track, Kho-kho. Kabbadi. Badminton. Boxing ring and Gataka ring etc.

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There is a well-organized transport facility in the school for the safety of the students. To ensure the well being and safety of students. private transporters other than those recognized by the school are not permitted. Availing of the transport facility is optional. There are more than 36 buses in the school transport department. Commuting by school bus is an occasion for the pupils to cultivate good habits like patience. forbearance. tolerance. sympathy. team spirit. co-operation and consideration for others. Gentlemanly and exemplary behavior is expected of all the students in the bus and at the boarding points where they wait for the bus. Strong and prompt disciplinary action will be taken against the students who misbehave.

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It is obligatory for every parent to meet the principal and concerned teachers to know the progress of their ward on every last Saturday of the month. Parents should take instructions from class teachers for future improvement of their wards and give suggestions if any.

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All the students will have the chance to participate in Literary Activities. General Knowledge and Science. Math Quiz. Arrangements will be made for pursuit of hobbies such as painting. vocal. music and Inter-House competitions in these activities